I'm an Inbox Zero kind of guy, so having the default view show the full history of calls and (separately) SMSs is mildly disconcerting for me. I want to default to seeing the new items, whether they're calls or SMSs, and once they're archived with I don't want to see them any more unless I specifically go into the archive.
That said, I agree with your other feature request for an iPhone-style SMS interface that shows your full history with a given contact (
http://www.riverturn.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29). But that's applicable once the conversation itself is opened; I just don't want to see that contact/conversation in the Inbox unless there's something new from them.
(By the way, excellent job on the app. I bought the premium subscription sight unseen just because I want to support you guys as I feel Apple treated you unfairly -- but it's totally been worth it and has removed my temptation to jailbreak for GV Max.
